Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sooo....I haven't posted for a LONG time but I have stuff to say now =p

I just recently figured out my little saying "Its not whether it is true its whether you believe that its true".
IS an actual original quote so I've trademarked it and now whenever someone says it they have to pay me a dollar haha.  Anyways I thikn thats pretty cool its original and everyone whould like quote me on that now. Help spread it and it would be so cool if it got to be a well known quote.

Now thats school is back in session I'm back to being in a serious mood all the time now. You know what white people really get on my nerves more than anyone of color...Like comeon how come it seems at least half of all whites are predjudice about something? And I'm so lucky to have all white kids in my class. So cool that I'm the darkest person in my class...
Why do they have to be so dorky/nerdy too? I mean ugh. I was about to strangle the kid who had to remind our teacher the summer reading books were due I mean why would you remind a teacher that?

Oh back to the teachers it seems like the further along in school the weirder the teachers are...For example my math teacher this year had to talk about chocolate and cake or something like that for the first 20 mins. I was she on drugs or something?

Well thats enough wining for now...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Wow I havent posted for a while now!

Anyways lately I've been thinking about where I'll be in the future. College for example. So I think the two fields I've narrowed it down to are International Relations and Criminal Justice.

So what are these?
International Relations-No its not setting up international people on a date haha. It is studying international conflict, diplomacy, and economics. With this major I'd have jobs available like...Foreign Correspondent, Intelligence Officer, Foreign Service Officer, International Business Manager, and if that doesn't work out...could always be a social studies teacher haha.

Criminal Justice-Scientific study of the application of law and natural sciences to stop crime. So obviously there are many different ways to use this major. For example as as stepping stone to law school, Police, F.B.I, D.E.A, A.T.F., other federal abc groups, Private Military Company, Crime Analyst, etc.

Oh yeah and for anyone whos wondering. I used this website called
It is very helpful everyone should check it out =]

So if you can't tell already I really want to try and help my country in some way. I don't really care about how much money I make I'd much rather leave a mark somehow improving the national and international community.

With that being said. I took a look at colleges. Georgetown is supposed to have the best International Relations school any where. But at the tune of 39k a year in tuition not counting housing or any additional fees. I'd have to have scholarships flying out the wazoo to go there. Next I checked out Loyola in Chicago. Now at 30k its a bit cheaper but still kinda expensive.
I think I better look at public schools to see what else there is. Cause its basically gonna hve to be paid for by scholar ships since my mom and dad won't be able to help much esepcially since my sister will start college the same time as me.

I really wish I was rich haha.That would make things so much easier. Oh well its ok though I guess it helps teach me how to work for what I want.
So I'm gonna work hard the next few years here at highschool to hopefully get some scholarships.

I think I'll try and make a less serious post later.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Home from the water park...

Wow man the resort sucked....
That was a good 24 hours wasted *Sigh*. I'm just like to old for that sort of thing now it would be ok if like I had a group with me or something but I didn't...
So instead of going in the water park I must have walked a few miles inside the resort/hotel part. Wanted to use the exercise room but guess what they closed before I got there yesterday and then today when I tried to go in they hadn't opened it yet. Oh and does anyone else hate sleeping in hotels? That dumb bed like was way too cushiony/soft and I felt like I was sinking into it. Not to mention I had to go to bed at like 10 instad of when I usuaully do at closer to 2.
At least I put a highscore on guitar hero there. I got 1# on "Rock you like a hurricane" on expert so that should be there a while haha. At least we had some good food there I ate this veal thing with like some kinda sauce with olives in it and it was excellent. It was the kinda food which looks like something you'd puke up but tastes great haha.
At least my brother and sisters enjoyed this little overnight trip.
Well I think I wined enough for one post...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


For anyone viewing this internationally in America we have "Freedom of Speech"

Today I was watching youtube and it was very annoiying how people try to be politically correct about EVERYTHING. I mean come on.

So I did some research and here is what I've found.

The terms 'politically correct' and 'political correctness', in the sense defined above, entered the language via the U.S. feminist and other left-wing movements of the 1970s. The use of 'PC' language quickly spread to other parts of the industrialized world. The terms had been used previously though. The previous meaning was 'in line with prevailing political thought or policy'. I.e. the terms previously used 'correctness' in its literal sense and without any particular reference to language that some might consider illiberal or discriminatory. That usage dates back to the 18th century.

Really I think being politically correct is just a cheap stand in for manners. Yes we need tolerance for many different groups. It seems to me though that "PC" just silences people about topics which should really be stopped. Some examples are how criminals are called "Misguided" all the time...or when people have an opinon against allowing illegal immigration they are immediatley shut out just take a look at some youtube videos that are about controversial topics and look at the comments.

Being politically correct is to avoid  conflicts in people's views. But has anyone ever thought that this might further polarize people? Looking back in history people were not as divided in their views on the political spectrum you had your left and right with most people in the middle. Now a days it is almost always far left or far right and fewer in the middle. Why is that? Maybe because instead of discussing their conflicted views people would rather avoid the conflict in the first place. SO are we really exercising our freedom of speech then? To me it seems no. For example say in school I called people who support abortion without danger to the mother or rape, babykillers I'd be liable to getting sent out of class, detenion, etc. Can we really use this freedom then?

In politics, Republicans and Democrats seem to be evolving separate languages or, at least, long lists of different nouns. Democrats warn of "global warming" ; Republicans talk calmly about "climate change." Democrats are starting to call themselves "progressives." Republicans just say "liberals." Other Republican/Democratic partisan pairs include trial lawyer/personal injury lawyer, death tax/estate tax, collateral damage/civilian dead, quotas/goals and timetables, campus race preferences/race-sensitive admissions, indoctrination/sensitivity training, faith-based/religious, school choice/school vouchers, personal accounts/privatization, tax relief/tax cuts, illegal/undocumented, fetus/uterine contents, military difficulties/quagmire, rendition/shipping captives out for torture, racial charlatan Al Sharpton/civil rights activist Al Sharpton, John Kerry's weaseling/John Kerry's nuanced approach.

Most of us have no problem using the word "terrorists" for people who regularly blow up innocent bystanders for political effect. But the mainstream media still shun the "T" word in favor of "insurgents" or "the resistance." The "insurgents" in Iraq aren't really "insurging." They are blowing up large numbers of random people. But the press keeps talking about activists, rebels, militants, fighters, assailants, attackers, hostage-takers, etc., etc. Some media outlets are willing to refer to "acts of terrorism," as long as they don't have to call the people who perform those acts "terrorists." We have sin, but there are no sinners. Is what it comes down to. People want to dodge responsibility. Do these people really have enough faith in what they believe to stand up and fight for it? I'd say no.

Again if I upset anyone just comment or message me we can discuss it.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Its almost 1 in the morning and...

Man I'm so tired of being bored here at home. I seriously need a vacation from this vacation haha.

Asked if I could go hiking while theyre at the water park...verdict is...No Way!
*sigh* Oh well I didn't really have my hopes up on that anyway.

Look at these crazy shoe things I found theyre called Five Fingers and theyre just like um. Well take a look at  them.
They look like ninja shoes to me. And they're supposed to be good for your feet, posture, biomechanics. I'm not sure how much is hype though... I would get some but I'd probably be way to self concious in them haha. Would be kinda funny showing up to track practice in those. At least I think so. *shrug*

Ok I'll check out good old CNN. World News....
Lets see "Death toll exceeds 28,000 in Mexican Drug War since 2006" Wow 4 years that's at least 7,000 people dieing a year because of drugs...that is absolutely horrible. Comparable to the casualties of an "Official" military offensive I think. Which is crazy since this Drug "War" is really only organized crime.

Next up..."Tensions rise as a deadly border clash erupts between Israel, Lebanon"
Just another day for those Israelis huh? I'll give them this they are some pretty tough people there. So again from the details so far it just looks like everyone is playing the he said she said game. But oh this is good Israel has video evidence that everything happened on Israeli soil.  Well we'll have to wait and see what happens. Looks like the whole region might be heating up again. Was actually surprised nothing happened after the flotilla incident. I don't exactly understand why there is support for this Hezbollah group. To me they seem like terrorists nothing more. Is this really just anti semitism or factual claims? But I'm not there on the ground seeing whats happening so all I can do is play armchair analyst. If anyone has more experience and background on the middle eastern politics and would like to explain to me I'd appreciate it.

Nothing else in world events I can really comment on so I'll look at US events now...

"Landmark status resolved, NYC group moves forward on Islamic center."
For the less informed out there basically people would like to build a Mosque near "Ground Zero". City officials voted against land mark status for the building they would like to put the Mosque in allowing the group to move forward with construction. While yes I think this is perfectly fine it really is kind of done in bad taste. For many people the memory of 9/11 are still very raw. So this is somewhat of a reminder to people on what  type of people who carried out those acts. Even though many people know Al Quadea is very different from regular Muslim people  lots of people don't know the difference which can cause hurt feelings by this decision. Nothing against Muslims at all freedom of religion is a very important right. I just think this was not thought out very well by the group. But this just shows how our Rights remain supreme for better or worse.
I hope this doesn't offend anyone out there I really dont mean for it to do that.

Ok I'll do one more and call it a night.

"Groups file suit over government power to kill American terrorists"
Hah so the ACLU and the CCR have announced they are filing a law suit challenging the U.S.'s authority to kill U.S. citizens who are living abroad and have been labeled terrorists.Guess who they are representing? Anwar al-Awlaki that radical cleric who influenced the guy who caused the Fort Hood massacure last year. What has the world come to that terrorists are allowed to file law suits? They claim "President Obama is claiming the power to act as judge, jury, and executioner while suspending any semblance of due process," Hah well isn't that how most other countries work too? You don't get labelled a terrorist for no good reason. Intelligence agencies investigate these people for a LONG time before anything happens so in my opinon "Judicial Process" isn't needed. It would just be a waste of money to do that.

Heres more to that story

The suit specifically challenges the law that prohibits attorneys from providing representation for al-Awlaki without first seeking a license from the Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Asset Control.
The office, which labeled al-Awlaki a "specially designated global terrorist," has so far not granted the groups a license.
"The government is targeting an American citizen for death without any legal process whatsoever, while at the same time impeding lawyers from challenging that death sentence," said ACLU Executive Director Anthony Romero.

 Haha how can these people want to represent a terrorist? That makes absolutley no sense what so ever. Ugh how can some people be so stupid?

Links to those stories for the curious minded...

Well anyways its almost 2 in the morning now so I'll wrap this up.
Thanks for reading who ever does. And  adios.

As I sit here thinking to myself....

I'm sitting here thinking what a waste of a summer this has been sort of....sure there were some ok things like drivers ed and work.(which was both ok and bad at the same time...)

What have I really accomplished though? Not much to be honest. I think the most important thing I've done this summer was help my dad with putting a new roof on our house. I saved him five grand in labor costs and gained a greater respect for people who work in labor fields. It also gave me more experience so now I'll know how to do it when I have a house.

How have I changed this summer? Maybe thats a better topic to think about. Well I've become more of a hard worker than I was before I can say the for sure. Have I matured? I'd say yes because I understands what actually goes into working now.

I've been real disappointed this summer though. Most of my friends havent been around much to do anything and  haven't really gotten a "vacation". Was supposed to go camping this week but that sure didn't pan out for several reasons. My family is supposed to go to Wisconsin Dells in a few days but I sure don't feel like going. Its not that it is a bad place or anything but I could care less for water parks and the whole tourist trap business. But everyone else wants to go so I'm not going to really make a big deal about it. Actually might see if they can just drop me off somewhere and I'll go on a day hike maybe....
My parents probably won't  let me but what ever I'll deal.

Overall though has it been that bad? I'd say no. I would be selfish to say its been bad. I know lots of other people who have had worse summers so I shouldn't complain.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Help me out =p

Hmm alright so I think for this post I'm going to talk about something a little bit on the lighter side. So over this summer I've made some money working and right now I have about 750$

Now there are a couple ways I'd like to spend this money. But not sure how to.

1. New Bow-My old bow broke a few months ago (Couldn't handle my super human strength) and I'd like to buy a new one for around say 350$.

2.Save for a Car- Yup I'm gonna need one soon enough so saving would always be a good idea.

3. Leather Jacket- Yeah I wanna look cool in the winter this year. Could probably buy one for around 150$ or so.

4.Invest in stocks- Im actually seriously considering this might be a good way to start making money.

So what do you guys think?

Good and Evil are they Inseperable?

First of all this will be a poem but I would like to thank one of my friends, Samia for giving me inspiration to write this.

Light and Darkness
Good and Evil
Every light casts a shadow
For every Good deed there is an Evil one
With out Darkness would we know what Light is?
Without Evil would we know what Good is?

We need the evil to show us the good.
Just as we need to know what light is
To know what darkness truly is

That is what I have for now. Tonight my writing just isn't flowing like usual. This is another one I'll have to revise later and hopefully add to it.

What We'll Leave Behind

Life isn't just about passing on your genes.
We can leave behind much more than just DNA.
Through speech, music, literature and movies...
what we've seen, heard, felt
...anger, joy and sorrow...
these are the things I will pass on.

That's what I live for.
We need to pass the torch,
and let our children read our messy and sad history by its light.
We have all the help of the digital age to do that with.

The human race will probably come to an end some time,
and new species may rule over this planet.
Earth may not be forever,
but we still have the responsibility to leave what we can.

Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing.

All of us need to find something to believe in and pass it on to the future. It doesn't matter whether it turns out to be right or wrong. It does matter how much faith you put into it.
Basically what I'm saying with this post now is that all of us in some way need to find something to put our faith into. Our devotion so to speak. I'm not neccessarily saying a religion either. Just something because if you put enough faith into it someone will remember it and someway it will have a positive consequence. If what you put this faith into turns out wrong thats not as important as you having faith in it.

Hmm I lost my fire there explaining this. I'll try to come back later and hopefully do a better job.

My Introduction

Hi who ever reads this I'm Bill and this is my blog.

I'm not really sure how to make a first post what I should include and such but hey this should work.

So in this blog I'm going to just be putting what ever my thoughts are down. So what those thoughts are can vary alot. Just to warn you.

I think in my next post I'm going to put down one of my poems and explain it.