Man I'm so tired of being bored here at home. I seriously need a vacation from this vacation haha.
Asked if I could go hiking while theyre at the water park...verdict is...No Way!
*sigh* Oh well I didn't really have my hopes up on that anyway.
Look at these crazy shoe things I found theyre called Five Fingers and theyre just like um. Well take a look at them.
They look like ninja shoes to me. And they're supposed to be good for your feet, posture, biomechanics. I'm not sure how much is hype though... I would get some but I'd probably be way to self concious in them haha. Would be kinda funny showing up to track practice in those. At least I think so. *shrug*
Ok I'll check out good old CNN. World News....
Lets see "Death toll exceeds 28,000 in Mexican Drug War since 2006" Wow 4 years that's at least 7,000 people dieing a year because of drugs...that is absolutely horrible. Comparable to the casualties of an "Official" military offensive I think. Which is crazy since this Drug "War" is really only organized crime.
Next up..."Tensions rise as a deadly border clash erupts between Israel, Lebanon"
Just another day for those Israelis huh? I'll give them this they are some pretty tough people there. So again from the details so far it just looks like everyone is playing the he said she said game. But oh this is good Israel has video evidence that everything happened on Israeli soil. Well we'll have to wait and see what happens. Looks like the whole region might be heating up again. Was actually surprised nothing happened after the flotilla incident. I don't exactly understand why there is support for this Hezbollah group. To me they seem like terrorists nothing more. Is this really just anti semitism or factual claims? But I'm not there on the ground seeing whats happening so all I can do is play armchair analyst. If anyone has more experience and background on the middle eastern politics and would like to explain to me I'd appreciate it.
Nothing else in world events I can really comment on so I'll look at US events now...
"Landmark status resolved, NYC group moves forward on Islamic center."
For the less informed out there basically people would like to build a Mosque near "Ground Zero". City officials voted against land mark status for the building they would like to put the Mosque in allowing the group to move forward with construction. While yes I think this is perfectly fine it really is kind of done in bad taste. For many people the memory of 9/11 are still very raw. So this is somewhat of a reminder to people on what type of people who carried out those acts. Even though many people know Al Quadea is very different from regular Muslim people lots of people don't know the difference which can cause hurt feelings by this decision. Nothing against Muslims at all freedom of religion is a very important right. I just think this was not thought out very well by the group. But this just shows how our Rights remain supreme for better or worse.
I hope this doesn't offend anyone out there I really dont mean for it to do that.
Ok I'll do one more and call it a night.
"Groups file suit over government power to kill American terrorists"
Hah so the ACLU and the CCR have announced they are filing a law suit challenging the U.S.'s authority to kill U.S. citizens who are living abroad and have been labeled terrorists.Guess who they are representing? Anwar al-Awlaki that radical cleric who influenced the guy who caused the Fort Hood massacure last year. What has the world come to that terrorists are allowed to file law suits? They claim "President Obama is claiming the power to act as judge, jury, and executioner while suspending any semblance of due process," Hah well isn't that how most other countries work too? You don't get labelled a terrorist for no good reason. Intelligence agencies investigate these people for a LONG time before anything happens so in my opinon "Judicial Process" isn't needed. It would just be a waste of money to do that.
Heres more to that story
The suit specifically challenges the law that prohibits attorneys from providing representation for al-Awlaki without first seeking a license from the Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Asset Control.
The office, which labeled al-Awlaki a "specially designated global terrorist," has so far not granted the groups a license.
"The government is targeting an American citizen for death without any legal process whatsoever, while at the same time impeding lawyers from challenging that death sentence," said ACLU Executive Director Anthony Romero.
Haha how can these people want to represent a terrorist? That makes absolutley no sense what so ever. Ugh how can some people be so stupid?
Links to those stories for the curious minded...
Well anyways its almost 2 in the morning now so I'll wrap this up.
Thanks for reading who ever does. And adios.
Haha I love those fivefingers' shoes. They look funny and i'd feel self conscious wearing them too, but hell if i could drag my friends into this and hang out in the streets together, that'd seem..reassuring enough ha!
ReplyDeleteMan you know Ghandi says: an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. To be honest I don't think this Israel-middleeastarabcountry (Goodness! this is so twisted lol) will ever end.
Thanks for keeping us updated ;)