Monday, August 2, 2010

What We'll Leave Behind

Life isn't just about passing on your genes.
We can leave behind much more than just DNA.
Through speech, music, literature and movies...
what we've seen, heard, felt
...anger, joy and sorrow...
these are the things I will pass on.

That's what I live for.
We need to pass the torch,
and let our children read our messy and sad history by its light.
We have all the help of the digital age to do that with.

The human race will probably come to an end some time,
and new species may rule over this planet.
Earth may not be forever,
but we still have the responsibility to leave what we can.

Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing.

All of us need to find something to believe in and pass it on to the future. It doesn't matter whether it turns out to be right or wrong. It does matter how much faith you put into it.
Basically what I'm saying with this post now is that all of us in some way need to find something to put our faith into. Our devotion so to speak. I'm not neccessarily saying a religion either. Just something because if you put enough faith into it someone will remember it and someway it will have a positive consequence. If what you put this faith into turns out wrong thats not as important as you having faith in it.

Hmm I lost my fire there explaining this. I'll try to come back later and hopefully do a better job.

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